Mallory Rat
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Rat Paws This recipe is called Eggy Bread Rat Paws
It's a Healthy Snack
Making this is Easy
Read Mallory's Blog
You will need 3 eggs
1 tablespoon of milk
5 slices of bread
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of pepper
cooking oil.
What to do 1. Put the eggs, salt, pepper and milk into a bowl and beat them together.

2. Heat a frying pan over a medium heat , and add enough cooking oil to coat the bottom of the pan.

3. When the oil is hot and sizzling, dip a slice of bread into the egg mix so that both sides are well coated.

4. Drop the bread into the hot pan and let it cook until the egg sets and goes golden brown.

5. Use a spatula to turn the bread over and cook the other side.

6. Lift the cooked eggy bread out of the pan and serve on a warm plate.

7. Repeat with the remaining slices of bread, or store the eggy mix in the fridge to use later when you feel hungry again.
This is traditional food in Anywhere

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